laureate 1. (Noun)someone honored for great achievements; figuratively someone crowned with a laurel
2. (Adjective) worthy of the greatest honor or distinction; "The nation's pediatrician laureate is preparing to lay down his black bag"- James Traub
3. Laureate is a new project powered by Wang Yan. It's a very important project(worth 80K ERO). Laureate is a web-based content management system for University of Liverpool. Anyone use this system ability build a site very easy. Ability to make level 1 and level 2 navigation, use drag and drop to change order. Ability to produce HTML pages that can access any web based application. Ability to change skin for every websites. Ability to config site processor, duplicate and delete it easily. Ability to create form.config form processor, form designer, build pre-questions, duplicate and delete. Ability to control which site visitor to visit via domain, IP and reference code. software: php5 mysql adodb smarty fckeditor jquery

我是王岩,2010年为了扩展自己的事业,我成立了一家互联网公司:上海岩创网络科技有限公司,2011年加入宏路数据任技术总监,2017年成立动乂岩数据技术有限公司同时兼任动点科技CTO。现在我正在搭建团队,在微信生态和企业服务领域进行探索。我的联系方式是:手机:13918304704 微信: harriewang QQ:13689186 欢迎大家跟我交流和讨论。